Jackie Morris launches TWO new books in September 2014
The first delightful new book is called “Something about a Bear”. The tale depicts Jackie’s love of writing about Bears which first began many years before with her first book Bears, Bears and More Bears. Since then she has developed her ideas about writing, painting and looking and has thought about each page, the words and the bears for this book for some time. She began writing Something about a Bear in a beautiful garden in Worcestershire and has created stunning watercolour paintings that describe 8 bears from all over the world shown in their wild habitats. Black Bear, Polar Bear, Sloth Bear, Spectacled Bear, Sun Bear, Panda, Moon Bear, and Brown Bear. Jackie asks at the end of book "But which is the best bear of all? Your own teddy bear, of course!"
The second book she has produced is called Cat Walk. Those of you who follow Jackie on a regular basis will know of the strong bond that exists between Jackie and her feline friends. In this amazing book she has captured images of her cats as together they walk through the beautiful landscape of Pembrokeshire. Jackie has captured over 100 photographs telling their story of many walks with many cats who have been and still are a special part of her life.
Jackie says about the book "whenever I go into schools kids always ask which book I'm most proud of. I've never been able to answer that question until now. This is a cat book that's very different; it's not a book about cats it’s more about love." This book is truly magical. Her cats are a huge part of Jackie's life and they cast a spell that lets you peek into their world.
How to order your copies
These books are available from us prior to general publication.You can order a copy of both from us now which Jackie will happily dedicate for you.
Something about a Bear book will cost £12.99 + P&P.
Cat Walk will be £9.99 + P&P.
They can ordered from our website: http://www.solvawoollenmill.co.uk/jackie-morris-books
We have to work out the cost of shipping so if you could send me the following details I’ll then be in touch.
Contact number
Which book(s) you’d like to order
What dedication Jackie can write for you.
If you would like to join the mailing list for details of future books.
Launch Party for Something about a Bear & Cat Walk
To celebrate these very special books we are holding a launch party here at Solva Woollen Mill which you’re all welcome to join us at.
It is on Wednesday 24th September; 4pm – 7.30pm when Jackie will be here to sign books, chat and answer any questions you may have for her. Bring your own special Bears for Jackie to see and we'll take photos of them all together to celebrate.
Special Prize Draws
For every copy of Something about a Bear bought from Solva Woollen Mill you will be entered into an exclusive prize draw to win this beautiful watercolour painting of Mary Bear by Jackie.
We will also be holding a raffle on the evening of the launch to win the only other Mary Bear painting. All proceeds from this will go to the Hauser Bear Charity that promotes the welfare of bears worldwide.
For every copy of Cat Walk bought from Solva Woollen Mill you will be entered into an exclusive prize draw to win a limited edition print of this gorgeous photo taken by Jackie.
If you have any queries please email anna@solvawoollenmill.co.uk.
Best wishes, Anna & Tom