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The House Without Windows

Barbara Newhall Follett author, Jackie Morris Illustrator.

All of Jackie's lovely books we sell are signed by her.

If you would like to make the book even more special,

as a gift to someone or as a treat for yourself,

Jackie is more than happy to write a dedication for you.

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It make take a few days longer to get to you but is definitely worth it!



Little Eepersip doesn't want to live in a house with doors and windows and a roof, so she runs away to live in the wild - first in the Meadow, then by the Sea, and finally in the Mountain. Her heartbroken parents follow her at first, bringing her back home to 'safety' and locking her up in the stifling square of the house. But she slips away once more, following her wild heart out of the door and far away...

First published in 1927, The House Without Windows has been described as “a lost classic of children's nature writing”. It tells the story of a young girl who doesn't want to live in a house with doors and windows and a roof, so she runs away to live in the wild.

Jackie first met this story about six years ago and became captivated by the author Barbara Newhall Follett.
"There are so many parallels to The Lost Words. Barbara loved dictionaries. Her literacy, both natural and in words, was so rich.
She loved the wild places, thrived in them, and she created a wild child of perfection in a Utopian dream sequence of a novel".
(Jackie Morris) 

Hardback book 205 pages
Signed by Jackie Morris

Published October 2019
Products specifications
Signed by Jackie Morris
Cover Hardback
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