The Lost Words - Spell Songs

There are some moments that stop you in your tracks when least expected. One evening, in Jackie Morris' studio one such moment crept upon me. Most of you will by now have heard of The Lost Words. The book that sought to bring everyday nature names that were being forgotton back to life, by summoning them as spoken and sung "spells".

I had heard Jackie talking about the new spell songs book when she'd popped into the mill. In between making sure she signed the right books, I nodded and agreed and said that sounds interesting. So when she asked would I like to listen to a spell song I thought why not.

So she chose The Lost Words Blessing. Now those of you who know me, know that I'm fairly levelled headed, down to earth and not given to great outbursts of emotion. How unprepared was I for what followed. I was utterly captivated as bird song filled the air. Nothing else existed as I sat there silent tears pouring down my face. It was hauntingly beautiful, gentle yet powerful.

I left Jackie's not long after. On my way home I became aware of what I can only describe to you as a weird wobbly feeling inside. Literally like a spell had been cast about me. I was completely and utterly blown away. The feeling lingered for days after.

I have since listened to all of the spell songs. Each one different yet compelling, telling the story of protest, praise and above all hope.

For me The Lost Words Blessing will always have a special resonance. I wonder what yours will be?

Happy Listening, Anna x


We have copies of this incredible book now available. Jackie will as ever write a dedication, or spell, in your copy.









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